Monday, July 15, 2013

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and is enjoying the summer!

I have been very busy and extremely interested in this online class I am taking from UC - San Francisco on Nutrition through It focuses primarily on the relationship between food and disease and its prevention. From heart disease, to cancer to diabetes, and the list goes on. That is why I thought today’s quote was appropriate - food is the ultimate medicine for most maladies, and humanity has been saying that for a long, long time.
From all the great learning in this class, I am most impressed with the introduction to a great government web site:
This is a tracker that counts calories like many others out there, but aside from tracking your daily calories, it gives you great reports that educate you on the food choices you make every day.
If you track, you see in real time if you are meeting your nutrient needs. Not only your  caloric needs, but most importantly, it tells you how you stand in terms of your intake on fat, fiber, vitamins, calcium, potassium and all the other important nutrients you need to have in your system for a healthy diet and a healthy life.
I found this tracker extremely educational, and my husband and I already made some changes to our menu plans based on the fact that we realized we were not getting enough carbs and fiber. We are now working on  taking in more vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and iron! Bring on the leafy greens!
Another perk of using this site  is that every day you get an email with motivational comments on how you are tracking on your goals, and tips to overcome any obstacles you might be facing.

Aside from having been working on better nutrition for my family, I have also been trying to run more. I am at an 8 miles per week point, and I am planning to increase that mileage a little more. The nice warm weather really helps me want to get out there and enjoy!

Until next time!

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