Monday, May 5, 2014

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” ― Thomas Edison

The Food Revolution is on its way!

I have been lately focusing quite a bit on food, and the massive food system that influences what we eat every day.

I have taken a class from the Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health on how the whole US food system works - from farm to table.

Through another class, I learned about an initiative across the pond known as the New Nordic Diet (from Scandinavia), which might be an example of how we need to start thinking about eating (and cooking) foods that grow naturally and efficiently where we live.

- If you are interested in learning more on these two classes, check out - the new way of free learning, taught by top worldwide schools. 

In addition, I have compiled a great little stack of books on the topic of food. These include one on Food Politics (Marion Nestle is the author), another on the latest research on dieting - better put, on eating (The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor - highly recommended!), and another one (Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss), giving an unvarnished view of the food industry, which seems to finally be coming under a much-needed enhanced level of public scrutiny.

There has been very little good information out there on these subjects until recently, and it has been interesting to learn about some of the research and study in this area that has finally reached the public.  

I am hopeful that the lack of information on food and the overall food system may be about to come to an end.

I make that statement not only because of all the information mentioned above, but also because today, while reading the June issue of Glamour Magazine, of all things, I learned Katie Couric is endorsing this important cause of food awareness, by publishing a documentary in conjunction with film producer Laurie David called Fed Up - in theaters now.

What a great initiative! That, along with the Let’s Move campaign Michelle Obama started some time back, should make a dent on this amount of misinformation!

Happy eating and happy learning!

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